For many years, Ronnefeldt has specialised in supplying tea to the professional hospitality sector mixing professional tea business with passion. The best hotels and restaurants in the world belong to the exclusive Ronnefeldt Club.

Ronnefeldt Tea

Sales Channels

Unique tea solutions can influence the service- and sales-performance of the HoReCa significantly

The perfect service for each situation and outlet:

  • Hotel

    J.T. Ronnefeldt KG and MIKO Premium Tastes both offer a perfect solution for each outlet.

    For your guestrooms, we recommend a selection of cup portions available two product types. For the lobby, the breakfast and the conference area, Ronnefeldt has a range of products. For the Wellness & Spa, specially blended varieties to for physical and mental relaxation.

  • Corporate

    There is no better way to express your warmth than with a welcoming cup of exquisite tea. Whatever the occasion, whatever the size of your company, whichever guests or partners visit your establishment, we build the perfect custom-tailored solution for you with our wide range of assortments and displays.

    Guests and clients will welcome a nice cup of tea while waiting or taking a break.

  • Restaurants & Cafés

    J.T. Ronnefeldt KG and MIKO Premium Tastes both originate from the Luxury Hotel segment and hence is exceedingly service orientated towards their customers. We have the combined expertise for your Restaurant business to generate extra income by providing excellent tea, beautifully presented by a trained employee from us.

    Ronnefeldt has a large selected assortment of outstanding teas. All have been produced with the greatest of care – black and green teas according to the orthodox method, which means plucked by hand and further processed with skilled and experienced craftsmanship.

  • Retail

    Ronnefeldt tea is served in hotels and restaurants worldwide and in especially selected retail and teashops.

    Indulge your customers with special selected Teas by us from years of experience and knowledge of what tea varieties consumers want to enjoy at their homes.  We know what types of tea you customers want to have in their kitchens served with tasty pastries and “Warenje”.

    Surprise your customers by offering the best and most exclusive teas!